
A vagabond is a wanderer. A bourlingueur is a navigator, who kicks about, but knows where he is going. Neither have a fixed address, and both are obsessed by their state of impermanence.

Nom :

Every morning, I scribble & scrawl. The rain falls onto the low countries, and my house is slowly sinking into the North Sea.


Montreal sky

That's what is left after you leave Montreal - the sky. The streets are rubble, the viaducts collapsing, still, and Santropol still making your food stick to the roof of your mouth. They stick the food into slices of bread the way a journeyman pastes mortar between bricks. North America smells like rubble these days, the homeless seem to be recently issued from the middle classes, anyone with money moves around in mobile citadels, SUVs, email, blackberries, gated communities, closed minds, desperation everywhere. Montreal on the other hand has been rubble from the word go, and comes by its seed honestly, like Buenos Aires and Pigalle.

But tomorrow we return to the flatlands, and...

Les bourgeois c'est comme les cochons, plus ca devient plus ce devient bête!!!!

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impostors and hangers on

Jade wasn't too happy about me showing up at the door - it wasn't consignment day - bringing your books into the famous shop is like showing up at the welfare office on the 15th of the month. The Ferlinghetti boutique is the American version of Shakespeare & Company - a museum staffed by literary majors, and the same rules as the church. You're allowed to depict men being crucified, but don't speak when the priest is giving his homily. TS Eliot is a fascist ergo, don't have to read him.
The place has a few decent photos of Ginsberg and the boys, a Bukowski poster, it's even got books. But, not mine, it was too well bound to be a chapbook, and it's not a zine, so the only way is to go through the distributors - being a writer these days is like being a pitbull taken out for a walk - sixty different ways of getting muzzled.
The bitch at the front desk spent her time apologizing to Jade for bringing her to the front desk on a non consignment day. It was all pretty reminiscent of that old lecher George at Shakespeare & Company, even past age eighty, he was reeling in the pussy on the dreams of literary glory and grotesque. Goes to show - you can be a toothless sturgeon and still bring it in, if you're making the right noises. But what does it have to do with writing?

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The Gatekeepers

They stand vigilant at the portal, ready to strike down those who would blaspheme, ready to reward those who have meekly awaited their turn at the trough. They are fed themselves by the beast, they bear the scars of their tainted fare, and for suffering, they have taken their place in the hierarchy and now sit in judgment on the lonely scribe who places no filter between his thoughts and the page.

They lurk at the edge of the public agora, huddled, sweating, neurotic, murderous, jealous, obsessed, deranged, desperate, obsequious, knowing the end is near, but unable to pull out of the gyres spinning them madly counter clockwise into greater acts of folly.

They sit at the gates of hell. If you pass through the portals your fate is sealed, you are thrown into the Hades, or to a sisyphian fate, endlessly pushing a boulder up a slope for the sin of pride - daring to think you had genius. Daring to think you had anything to say. Finally, daring to think at all.

They are our leaders, the culterati, talibanistic, subsidized throat cutters. Fear them, as you would fear fear itself. Seek their reprobation, smile at their ostracizing, welcome their opprobrium. Then turn the eye away and look at life itself, at everything it has to offer, provided you are willing to embrace it alone.

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The Amoral Writer

Those who have made the leap into what a writer truly is – an amoral scribe of his times – are not devoid of a conventional humanity. All that of course has to be extinguished insofar as possible. There's a price, as the realization grows of what he should be doing and writing. The best and the strongest – like Cendrars – leave the world to wonder and gaze at the sidereal tracks they have left behind. As for his basic humanity – his eldest son, Odile, showed up at his door after a seventeen year absence. It was during the war, and if the father was penniless, the son lacked even a roof over his head. “I cannot help you, you are not staying with me,” was the response of the son, and no amount of begging could change his mind. In a later letter, he defended his refusal to pay any money for the support of his children. “They will see one day that I am their best friend”. There is no-one we can count on, and there is no one who can rely on us. Everything changes, mutates, extinguishes, regenerates. The rest, all of it, is the eternal stupidity, the cretinism that binds us together, the brick and mortar of our dense mortal minds, as we huddle together in the slaughterhouse, hoping desperately for a last minute reprieve.

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"The Flagship of Eternal Stupidity"

Some say this is the flagship. Others see it in Mies van der Rohe himself, or in Ayn Rand, or in the Tower of Babel, or cut rate Sudanese hashish, or in a man hanging off an oak tree in his back yard. The only thing observers agree upon is that the stupidity lives on and is passed from one moron to the next, in a historical recognition of our unerring capacity to contaminate everything we touch. We are beasts and imbeciles, one and all, but occasionally a cretin among cretins rises from the sludge and drudge of our crustacean half-lives and builds a towering monument to patriotism, to greed, to self-aggrandizement or to its opposite, the collective, engraving our endless stupidity into something more permanent, a symbol and an icon wrenched from our lives, erected into a cathedral wherein future idiots may worship and chant hymns to the gods of stupidity:
Om dummy padme stupidity
Om dummy padme stupidity
Om dummy padme stupidity
Oh, it is great and wise and idiotic
To be parked in a lot with your head up
your arse, your pocket filled with junk bonds
and subscriptions and appointments with cosmetic
Oh dear God of stupidity, please give me dividends
cut off my body parts and replace them with new ones
Teach me to run when others would fight
and to pander to bullies and agree with pedants.
Om dummy padme stupidity

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