
A vagabond is a wanderer. A bourlingueur is a navigator, who kicks about, but knows where he is going. Neither have a fixed address, and both are obsessed by their state of impermanence.

Nom :

Every morning, I scribble & scrawl. The rain falls onto the low countries, and my house is slowly sinking into the North Sea.


Charlatans and Imbeciles

A truly free man doesn't need an empire. It's already right there. A force field within. He knows there's a price for doing and saying what you please. It's a simple matter, just a matter of standing up for yourself. These other people, Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, has anyone noticed that they made it all up! And, say what you like about the terrible trio, they were shitty poets. At best, all they could do was allegory or parables. Not quite enough to hold down a tough crowd during the early show at the Comedy Connection. When charlatans meet imbeciles, it's like walking into a focus group meeting in a Manhattan ad agency.


constructive denial

Time goes by. Things change, but there, for a short time, nothing but the day counted, and we felt true joy. What followed doesn't matter so much. Those days in the Pacific, when we shunned everyone who told us to get on with it, to bite the bullet, we were at our best as human beings. What's the weather like in the Gallapagos this time of year?


This is the Cimetière des Innocents, the subterranean world whose spirits still dictate the lives of those who live on rue Montorgeuil in Paris, the second arrondissement, les Halles, a sanctuary for the carniverous.

Travel tips

No matter what your travel agent says, there are no guarantees you'll come back alive. If somebody takes you hostage, at least have the guts to spit in his face. Trust me, it's worth losing your head sometimes. On the other hand, sometimes you have to quit while you're a head. The unnamed beneficiary of your travel insurance policy is the person who sold it to you. When travelling, generosity is the key. If staying with cannibals, be careful about lending them a hand. Don't sleep in empty graves. Those people you see everytime you go to the nightclubs? They're not the same ones who were there last year.

A thinking man? If you want to say anything to the world, prepare to be annihilated, and then drag yourself up from the ashes and say what you have to say


So, this is a new medium, you can prepare your thoughts, or you can allow them to arise and examine them. The French always divide things into two parts. So, I say the world is made up of settlers and migrants. And, how smart is it to be a settler in an impermanent universe?